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American Made Only in this Company

Updated: Jan 13

We stand very tall on our Commitment of using Made in America materials first, period!

*Our Aluminum: We use only 1 Supplier, Screen Co out of our State of Texas. We prefer this Company because, as you know, we are in the Houston market and getting the Aluminum from Screen Co is very fast. Because we not only build direct for the Homeowner, we use both suppliers to make sure we have plenty of Inventory, because we also build for several dozen Retail Screen Companies in and around Houston as well as several dozen Hardware Stores in Texas. Very important we never run out of this beautiful Aluminum Frame

*Twitchell Material: Exclusively used by us here as we can find no other Screen that is 100% made in America with all the raw materials also made in America. Longest warranty in the Industry means they must be doing something extra right. We stock 6 colors of the 80% and 90% Screen, 70% Nano as they call it in Black only. The great State of Alabama is Home to this product that has been around 100 years now. We do our best to fill our Warehouse up early each year so we can always stay ahead of demand. For other Industries, Twitchell makes a variety of Safety Products, Industrial and Sport, and Woven Products. Give them a look if these are your Industry needs at

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